One of my spider plants, which is growing alongside a slightly larger one, is trying to “escape” its pot by sending out a long, twisted root. The fleshy root has now grown a few inches out of the soil, pushing the stem and leaves at its tip up and out so that the whole thing has twisted and tipped over the edge of the pot. Can it be rescued?

Yes, probably: Spider plants (Chlorophytum comosum) regrow roots very easily. Use pruning shears or sharp scissors to snip the long, fleshy section of the root about an inch below the knotty-looking cluster of small aerial roots, says BBG's Jennifer Williams. Trim back the remaining stub, which may send out new growth. If it doesn’t, your remaining spider will likely spread out to fill the void.

To retrain your twisted plant, place it as upright as possible in a jar of water so that both the main root and aerial roots are submerged. Over a couple of weeks or so, the roots will gradually stretch downward and the stem and leaves will grow upward. Eventually your plant will be a little less bent and thus better oriented for repotting.