Gardens & Collections - Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Gardens & Collections

Gardens & Collections

Plants in Bloom

  • a purple and white spotted toad lily

    Japanese Toad-Lily

    Tricyrtis ‘Tojen’ (Japanese toad-lily) in the Rose Arc Pool. Photo: Michael Stewart.

  • Big Bluestem

    Andropogon gerardii (big bluestem) in the Native Flora Garden. Photo: Blanca Begert.

  • yellow-flowered goldenrod

    Gray Goldenrod

    Solidago nemoralis (gray goldenrod) in the Water Garden. Photo: Blanca Begert.

  • cluster of pale pink roses in bloom

    Shrub Rose

    Rosa ‘Surf Rider’ (shrub rose) in the Rose Garden. Photo: Michael Stewart.

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Image, top of page: Dave Allen