On October 14 BBG hosted Green Horizons, New York City’s free conference on careers in natural resources and the environment for middle schools. Over 300 students and educators spent the day at BBG working directly with noted environmental professionals to learn more about career opportunities in a wide variety of environmental fields. 19 stations were set up around BBG, from Finding Insects of the Forest lead by an entomologist with the USDA to Working with Weather where students learned how experts use sophisticated meteorological instruments to make accurate weather forecasts. Many BBG staff members were also leading demonstrations including Climbing and Pruning Trees with gardeners Chris Roddick and Travis Wolf, Compost More, Waste Less! with Emily Dinan, and Bees and Butterflies with Uli Lorimer. It was incredibly inspiring to see so many kids engaged with natural sciences and learning about environmental careers. For more information about Green Horizons, contact facilitator Nancy Wolf at (718) 834-4589 or [email protected].