Lincoln Place between Nostrand and New York Avenues has won first place in the residential category in Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s 25th  Annual Greenest Block in Brooklyn Contest.

“You just can’t help smiling as you walk the block,” says Nina Browne, the Garden’s Community Greening program manager. The lovely brownstone-and-rowhouse block features wonderful examples of traditional streetscape gardening including lush window boxes and carefully tended tree beds as well as whimsical container planting displays using decommissioned Weber grills and musical instruments.

“We are on cloud nine about winning!” says Althea Joseph, block resident and a member of Preserving Lincoln’s Abundant Natural Treasures (P.L.A.N.T.s), the gardening committee. She said she and her neighbors have really come together as a community as they’ve gardened with one another.

The Garden gives awards to the top three or four residential blocks from among those who enter as well as many honorable mentions. Blocks are judged on a variety of criteria, including vibrant use of color, greening effort, resident involvement, plant sustainability, soil and mulch maintenance, street tree bed care, and all-around most efficient gardening practices. Judges including horticulturists from Brooklyn Botanic Garden visit and assess each contestant block from mid-June throughout July.

Commercial blocks also compete in a separate category. This year’s winner was Montague Street between Henry and Hicks Streets in Brooklyn Heights.

Special awards are also given for window boxes, tree beds, storefronts, and community garden streetscapes.

The office of the Brooklyn Borough President called attention to Brooklyn Botanic Garden's leadership in community building through planting, greening, and beautification and supporting groups of residents who seek to improve their neighborhoods. Deputy Borough President Chaplain Ingrid P. Lewis presented the Garden with a proclamation celebrating the 25 years of the contest.

Visit the Greenest Block in Brooklyn page for more photos and a complete list of winners.