After a lonely 2020, spring is blossoming in the open Garden for all to enjoy again.

Over the next week, the ‘Kanzan’ cherries will be at peak bloom. Early lilacs are also blooming now, as well as crabapples, spring heath, redbuds, many viburnums, and flowering quince. Later magnolias, including many of the yellow hybrids bred by BBG will also still be lovely.

“This is really the time for flowering trees and shrubs, and they’re having a wonderful year,” says Ronnit Bendavid-Val, the Garden’s director of Horticulture. The past winter and early spring were somewhat of a return to typical weather patterns without many wild fluctuations, which had been hard on spring-flowering woody plants in years past. The consistent temperatures have allowed plants to thrive.

Cherry Esplanade in bloom this week. Photo by Michael Stewart.

Late-blooming daffodils are also still in bloom along the Annual Border, Fragrance Garden, and elsewhere, and native spring wildflowers like Virginia bluebells, Dutchman’s breeches, native bleeding heart, and heart leaved groundsel have also emerged. Tree peonies, bluebells, azaleas, dogwoods, and late-blooming lilacs will be in full glory in early to mid-May.

“I'm particularly excited about having people see the Lilac Collection in its new location finally,” says Bendavid-Val. “The plants will probably still be a little smaller since it’s only the second year, but everything is settling in nicely.”

See Plants in Bloom for frequent updates on spring highlights.