Is it really already time to think about spring and summer sessions in the Children’s Garden? Why yes, it is. And it’s not your imagination that the registration period has come early this year. We have shifted the opening date for these two popular program seasons. Registration will begin February 6th at 9 a.m., sharp.

The staff is also gearing up for the planting season—the 98th one for this hands-on kids program. Children’s Garden Coordinator Dave Daly is ordering awesome new seeds and making a few changes to the field plans for our spring gardeners. A giant compost delivery will also arrive before our first garden sessions in March and April. If you stop by in late March, you may get to see Herb Garden curator Caleb Leech on a tractor disking up a section of the field that the teen Garden Apprentices are going to replant in a new configuration this spring.

Our returning gardeners know that these preparations lay the groundwork for an amazing bounty of vegetables and flowers. Before you know it, the first baby lettuces and radishes will be ready to harvest. Then May plantings of tomato, basil, zucchini and sunflowers will grow and grow until the Children’s Garden is transformed into a lush field of plants by late July.

We are all so excited just thinking about what’s in store for our gardeners this year. The schedule is available now so you can see which time slots work best for your child. Be sure to register for one or both of these popular seasons either online or in person beginning February 6th at 9 a.m.