The titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum) is one of the world's most remarkable plants. Native to tropical forests in Sumatra, it produces a monstrous four- to nine-foot-tall flower head, which releases a monstrous stench of putrefaction at peak bloom (another name for the plant is the corpse flower!). The species rarely flowers in cultivation; but in August 2006, BBG's ten-year-old specimen—nicknamed "Baby"—flowered in spectacular style and with much fanfare. It was the first time a titan arum had bloomed in New York in nearly 70 years.

Watch as the rare corpse flower, Amorphophallus titanum, blooms at Brooklyn Botanic Garden. This time-lapse video of the plant (nicknamed "Baby") was compiled from live webcam images captured over a period of twelve days, from August 5, 2006 to August 17, 2006.