Urban Advantage Backpack Trips - Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Urban Advantage Backpack Trips

Urban Advantage Backpack Trips

Urban Advantage middle and elementary school teachers can use a UA class trip voucher to register for a curated experience. We provide suggested itineraries along with a backpack for each child—including student journals, pencils, hand lenses, and supplies to pot up a plant for each student back in your classroom—enabling you to lead a structured field trip for your students.

Choose between two themes:

Backpack Trips last about 90 minutes; teachers will select an arrival time between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. and an arrival entrance. Groups arriving by bus should select 455 Flatbush Avenue; groups coming by foot may choose 455 Flatbush Avenue, 150 Eastern Parkway, or 990 Washington Avenue. Registration closes two weeks in advance of trip dates.

Register now for trips October–December. Registration for 2025 starts December 1.

See Dates and Register

Image, top of page: Blanca Begert