Natural Attractions - Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Natural Attractions

Natural Attractions


Through October 20, 2024

Natural Attractions

Through October 20, 2024

Celebrate the plant-pollinator love story through the lens of Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s vast and varied collections and the native insects to which they are inextricably linked.

This plant-centered exhibition and program series focuses on native insect pollinators and will inspire a new way of seeing and appreciating the essential necessity of plants—and insects—to our lives and the life of our planet.

Explore a kid-friendly exhibit in the Discovery Garden, an interactive pollinator lounge in Oak Circle, and a comprehensive exhibit in the Conservatory Gallery, or drop by for a special tour, performance, or educational activity.

Free with Garden admission.

A skinny black wasp with black wings sits on yellow florets.
A large brown moth collects pollen from a cluster of purple florets.
Grooves roughly cut into a piece of flat wood, edged with an inked and painted pattern
A butterfly with bright orange and black wings sits on a vivid red, globe-shaped flower.
A leaf-cutter bee on a flower.
Blue light reveals a leaf-like pattern on a piece of wood with holes of various diameters
A small orange moth sits on a purple globe flower.
A fat fuzzy bee with clear wings harvests pollen from tiny yellow florets.

Image, top of page: Elizabeth Peters